Clarisse Amadieu-Le Claire provides tax assistance to businesses and individuals, as well as coordinator on multidisciplinary projects.
With dedicated competences and focused on excellency, Clarisse Amadieu-Le Claire can assist you in understanding and solving general tax issues, in cooperation eventually with your chartered accountant.
Every areas of business taxation can be addressed, such as corporate tax, VAT, local taxes.
Customs duties will be treated in connexion with external experts.
Sectors expertise
Sport, luxury, professional painting, energy, insurance, financial, and automotive industries have been some of the sectors in which Clarisse Amadieu-Claire has been actively acting as lawyer over the past 28 years.
Clarisse Amadieu-Le Claire can assist you in anticipating and taking into account taxation issues in the scope of restructuring and acquisitions.
She can also realize tax audits or due diligences for various purposes such as sales or acquisitions but also the setting up of your compliance and tax risk management policy.
Some recent credentials
Advise to the shareholders in the context of the purchase of a significant part of the share capital of a major insurance broker, simplification of the group structure (food industry), recurrent structuring issues for the catering sector.
Assistance in the context of a tax reassessment or tax litigation implies a high-level technical expertise and a good knowledge of the functioning of the French tax administration.
Based on her experience with multinational law firms for more than 18 years combined with her more recent experience on her own, Clarisse may assist French companies including affiliates from foreign groups from the tax audit itself to tax litigations in front of administrative jurisdictions (in most cases), including the discussions with the tax administration.
Le Cabinet privilégie en principe la négociation mais n’hésite pas à recourir à la voie contentieuse lorsque la position de l’administration n’est pas acceptable et que les enjeux le justifient.
Some recent credentials
- Assistance to the French affiliate of an industrial group challenged on the ground of royalties and management fees paid to its parent company.
- Assistance to sportsmen in connexion with the holding of their image rights.
- Assistance on VAT issues for small size French groups.
- Assistance to shareholders reassessed pursuant to a tax audit raised at the level of the entity.
Clarisse Amadieu-Le Claire usually provides assistance to French or Foreign individuals in connexion with their private investments, tax reassessments or discussions with the tax administration, or specific technical issues raised by the filing of their tax returns.
Due to her past experience combined with the current size of the structure, she can notably offer a good alternative proposal to individuals that face international tax issues and wish to be assisted in a very close manner for a limited cost.
Some recent credentials
- Assistance in connexion with specific reporting issues in a Franco-American context.
- Definition of the taxation of foreign aircrew and ground staff.
- Training on withholding tax for a television group, analysis of the specific problems of the airline sector in this area, numerous assignments related to the transition to withholding tax, tax audits incurred by individuals in a multinational context.
Due to her experience as a member of the compliance and risk department of a multinational law firm combined with her more recent experience with small or medium size companies issues and functioning, Clarisse Amadieu-Le Claire has developed a specific expertise in tax risk management for medium size businesses.
Through interviews with the management, tax and accounting and operational staff as well, she can realize the tax mapping of the tax risk at the level of a French affiliate embedded in a more global process to propose a specific tax risk management plan for the French entity and remedies.
Some recent credentials
Assistance in tax reporting for various industrial groups, mapping of tax risks in all countries for an airline company.
Clarisse Amadieu-Le Claire can assist non-profit organisations in assessing the possible application of commercial taxes, monitoring the constraints for benefiting from exemptions, answering questions from the administration and managing disputes.